Dissemination material

Title Description      File
Aeronautic video Promotional video highlighting the relevance and potential impact of the KARYON approach to cooperative applications in the aeronautic domain.
Automotive video Promotional video highlighting the relevance and potential impact of the KARYON approach to cooperative applications in the automotive domain.
Coordinated Intersection Crossing video Promotional video illustrating the KARYON’s Coordinated Intersection Crossing use case.
Cooperative Lane Change video Promotional video illustrating the KARYON’s Cooperative Lane Change use case.
Adaptive Cruise Control/Vehicular Platooning video Promotional video illustrating the KARYON’s Adaptive Cruise Control/Vehicular Platooning use case.
KARYON Leaflet Leaflet describing the project in a such a way that almost anyone can understand what are the problems that the project is addressing.
Press article (German) Volkstimme LogoAn article in the Magdeburg local newspaper focuses on KARYON. The newspaper frontpage highlights the article.
Press article (German) Aspekt LogoAn article about EU FP7 projects published in German magazine Aspekt refers to KARYON
KARYON Fiche Brochure with project information
Project logo KARYON LogoProject official logo (.png, zipped)

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