News & Events

Demos during KARYON yearly meeting

During the last KARYON meeting, held in Chalmers (Gothenburg, Sweden), the team from Chalmers made a demonstration of their miniature autonomous car platform, where the cars follow a predefined path while coordinating among them to avoid collisions. Three videos illustrating three different scenarios were prepared and you can watch them here:

1) Virtual traffic light scenario

2) Coordinated lane change scenario

3) Adaptive cruise control scenario

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KARYON article in Volksstimme newspaper

Volksstimme logo An article about KARYON was published in the Magdeburg local newspaper Volksstimme. The team from Otto-von-Guericke University was interviewed and presented the project objectives and work. You can see the newspaper frontpage, highlighting the article, and read the full article, available on the KARYON website (dissemination material section).
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KARYON mentioned in news article

Aspekt logo An article in german magazine Aspekt addresses EU FP7 projects, referring to KARYON and mentioning the work on "intelligent" cooperative systems in the automotive and avionics domains. A copy of the article (in German only) is available in the documents section of the website.
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KARYON on Twitter and LinkedIN

KARYON is now visible on Twitter and on LinkedIN. Join us and stay tunned!
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ASCoMS workshop – an initiative of the KARYON consortium

The Workshop on Architecting Safety in Collaborative Mobile Systems (ASCoMS) is being organized by KARYON partners and intends to bring together researchers and industry interested in the problem areas addressed in the project. In particular, the workshop seeks contributions on the following topics:
  • Architectural design for safety-critical systems
  • Aspects of functional safety
  • Reliable perception of the environment
  • Coordination and adaptation strategies for safety-critical systems
  • Safety in automotive and avionic applications
  • System safety guidelines and standards
ASCoMS is taking place on September 25, 2012, in Magdeburg, Germany, under the umbrella of SAFECOMP 2012, one of the leading conferences in the area of safety and safety-critical systems.The deadline for submission of contributions is May 7, 2012. For further information on submission details, important dates and the program committee, please refer to the on-line Call for Papers (also available in pdf format).
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Announcing KARYON through Press Releases

A KARYON press release was recently disseminated to the media in several countries, as a means to announce and give increased visibility to the project. The press release was translated from English to Swedish, Portuguese and German, allowing for an easier dissemination in local media. These press releases were planned as Deliverable D6.1.1, and are available on the Deliverables page. Feel free to disseminate further!
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Launch of our new site

The KARYON website is now on-line. We intend to make it a live portal providing information about the work that is being developed, giving news about on-going project activities and achievements, announcing related events, and essentially allowing the dissemination of documentation, both papers and project deliverables. If you’re looking for some information that is not available, please let us know!
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